Giving Back
Small, local businesses, such as ours, are an essential part of every community. We have been and always will be active participants within our community, whether that be through our time, talent or treasure.
Holiday Donations
During the holiday season, our entire team adopts a local family or two. This past year we supported a family Kathy and Artie have known for years. We also help families through Catholic Charities and Queen of Peace Church. Together with our staff, we are able to give these families everything on their Dear Santa lists and fill their tables with a Holiday feast.
Hurricane Relief
In 2019, our shop purchased and collected supplies for the people of the Bahamas who lost everything during Hurricane Dorian. A close friend, Dr. Bud Chaney, started the collection at his chiropractic office in Crystal River. He also coordinated how to get the supplies directly to the Bahamian people. Together, we sent over two truck beds full of supplies!
Beagle Freedom Project
The Beagle Freedom Project is a national rescue organization.
- In lieu of euthanasia, the Project negotiates with research laboratories who use beagles as test subjects to release them after testing finishes.
- Upon release, the Project finds the beagles loving homes. It also helps defray medical costs needed to keep the dogs healthy.
- Performance Transmission has donated to them personally and professionally since their inception in 2010. Check them out on Facebook or visit the Project’s website.
Coast to Coast in 50 hours
In 2015, a customer and Sheriff to asked us to donate to this event. As a corporate sponsor, our logo appeared on the bike riders’ t-shirts as they rode from Florida to California in 50 hours. The event raised funds and awareness for the Special Olympics of Alachua and Bradford Counties.

National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Colleen was diagnosed with MS in 2013. Since then we have donated to the society both personally and professionally to help them find a cure for this debilitating auto-immune disease.- Colleen’s Walk MS team, Baxley Beagles Hunt for a Cure, raised over $1,000 each year for three years.
- In 2016, Performance Transmission matched every dollar donated to Colleen’s team. Because of Artie’s generosity, Colleen’s team raised almost $2,000!
Gainesville Youth
With Kathy’s background of teaching children with special needs, Performance Transmission and A/C has and will continue to donate to local elementary schools. Our donations have included:- Paying for the cost of a new game, craft project or field trip donating toys.
- Helping with the missing children alert program and project graduation.
- From 2014-2016, we sponsored a local Taekwondo student, Danielle H., as she competed in events throughout North America. Each year she would send us pictures of the medals she earned.
- As a former Girl Scout, Colleen and others at the shop purchase Girl Scout Cookies from customers’ children whenever we are asked.