Andrew Stephen Baxley

Drew was born in January 2016 at UF Shands. Drew is growing up at the shop. Since the age of three months he has been able to come to the shop everyday. Kathy, aka Gigi, and Colleen (mom) homeschool him in a specially designed classroom & game room in the back of the shop.
Drew’s favorite past times are playing video games, riding his two-wheel bike, hoverboard or scooter, sliding down slides, riding on zip lines, swimming and snorkeling in pools, the Gulf or even the ocean. He also enjoys reading, doing math equations in his head and playing board games. Drew also loves helping dad fix our personal vehicles and going for truck and jeep rides.
For his sixth birthday, we took Drew to Old Town to see the antique cars. While there, we also visited Fun Spot and learned Drew is a little adrenaline junkie! He loved the bumper cars, go-cart races and roller coasters. In 2022 we got annual passes to Lego Land and rode all the coasters and water slides at their water park too!!!